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Frequently Asked

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions you don't see answered below


For Business
  • Please visit our Verification & Transparency page for more details about how we perform and ensure the quality of each of our services: Measure, Reduce, Offset and Go Furthr.


    Feel free to message us on live chat or to email us at for more information about our calculation tool, the reduction methodologies we use and our due diligence processes.

  • We have an extensive network of carbon project developers, and are in fact part-owned by carbon project developers themselves. With this in mind, we deliver bespoke reforestation solutions for a growing number of business clients, working with developers such as Everi, the Forestry Commission and the International Tree Foundation.

  • Increasingly, yes. At this current point in time, we fund UK and Europe-based reforestation for our business partners only. Soon, we will be opening up UK & EU-based reforestation options for our entire community, including the Furthr platform users.

  • Furthr is a salary exchange benefit where payment is taken from employees’ net salary. The first deduction takes place in the same month as  the subscription starts. As any anytime benefit, employees can opt in and opt out whenever they like.

  • 1. We already use a benefit platform

    Most of the leading benefit platforms already offer Furthr on their marketplace. Get in touch with yours to learn more about how to add us to your employee benefit package, or contact us directly if they aren’t working with us yet.

    2. We would like to use a benefit platform

    Most of the leading benefit platforms already offer Furthr on their marketplace. Click on their logo to access their website and select the platform of your choice.

    3. We would like to offer the benefit directly to our employees

    Get in touch with our partnership team at to learn more about this option.

  • 1. I don’t know if my company uses a benefit platform

    If you’re not sure about which benefit platform your company uses, get in touch with your HR or People Team who should be able to help.

    2. My company already uses a benefit provider

    Simply log into your benefit platform and search Furthr in your package options. All the details of the offer should be listed there. 

    If your company hasn’t listed Furthr in their package yet, don’t hesitate to request it from them directly, or to let us know so we can reach out to your employer.

    3. My company doesn’t use a benefit provider

    If your company doesn’t use a benefit provider, you can subscribe directly by selecting one of our monthly Furthr plans (link). 

    If you would like the subscription to be deducted directly from your payslip, get in touch with your HR or People Team who should be able to help.

  • Nothing easier! You can subscribe directly by selecting one of our monthly Furthr plans.

Benefit Subscription
  • Please have a look at our lifestyle questionnaire assumptions to understand how we calculate your footprint and what data sources we use. These are regularly updated as more recent data is released year-on-year.

  • We use the latest available data from the Hot or Cool institute (HoCI). The HoCI has estimated the UK’s lifestyle carbon footprint per person as 8.5 tCO2e/capita. This translates into a total carbon footprint per person of 11.8 tCO2e/capita once emissions for public services - national services and infrastructure such as hospitals and the military - are included (HoCI, 2021). The average annual footprint for a UK individual is 11.8 tonnes, which we divide by 12 to get our monthly data: 0.983 tCO2e/person. 


    We currently use UK average data as a reference, but are working to localise our results and to provide local recommendations. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like us to adjust your personal footprint to reflect any specific measures you are taking to reduce your emissions.

  • Since we know how much carbon you have offset every month via your Furthr subscription, we simply match this amount with equivalent emissions from other sources (e.g. the emissions related to a beef steak).

    Please see here the assumptions for the equivalents we display on the Furthr platform.

  • If you wish to unsubscribe, please let us know at Your plan will end at the end of your current period. 


    We understand that right now is a difficult time for a lot of people, so by default we will always refund your last month if you forgot to unsubscribe.

  • If you upgrade/downgrade or swap your type of subscription in the middle of your subscription month, your old subscription will be active until the end of its subscription month and your new plan will be active from the next payment you make in your subscription.


    You can see all the details within your account section and we're always here to help.

  • We fund highest-quality carbon offsets across clean energy, reforestation and - occasionally - chemical carbon capture.


    Clean Energy Offsets:

    These projects focus on scaling up clean energy solutions around the globe, whilst delivering monitored social impact benefits. Classic examples here are small-scale hydro, small-scale solar, clean cookstove distribution & safe water access.


    Nature-based Reforestation Offsets:

    We fund selected reforestation offsets around the globe as well. These projects plant new protected trees across degraded land, with offsets being issued once the trees start to sequester carbon.

    Tech-based Carbon Capture Offsets: 

    We also support - occasionally, but increasingly - some innovative carbon capture solutions. These solutions extract CO2 from human-made processes before storing it into specific facilities. Largely, these solutions come with a massive price tag which means that we tend to fund them only with particularly engaged business clients. As time passes, we will start to bring these into our core carbon portfolios - as is made necessary by the Oxford Principles for Net Zero aligned Carbon Offsetting.

  • A carbon offset - also known as a carbon credit - is a commodity that represents a verified amount of physical carbon reduction or carbon removal. Both businesses and individuals can use carbon offsets to compensate for their unavoidable emissions by purchasing this commodity.


    Whilst some countries use carbon offsets within national/regional compliance schemes - for instance, when offsets must be purchased after a certain level of carbon has been emitted by a company - the major force of late in the carbon offset markets has been the Voluntary Carbon Markets - and if you're reading this, you're most likely considering becoming a part of these. The Voluntary Carbon Markets include businesses and individuals offsetting their unavoidable emissions over a certain timespan (monthly or yearly) because, well, it's the right thing to do! 


    We see that this can often be missed when people talk about carbon offsets. The main benefit of these projects is that you are giving a leg-up to clean energy or nature-based solutions, in parts of the world where it has been verified that this help is additional, meaning that it is completely needed for the carbon reduction initiative to be delivered in the first place. 

  • Yes, they absolutely do, but they need to be developed, verified and monitored by the right organisations. Similar to many projects and products, the quality outcome is driven by care, time and experience.


    The reason the offsetting space has received some mixed messages previously is because certain organisations in the carbon markets have seen too many dollar signs and have over-inflated carbon reduction claims. This type of behaviour becomes very obvious when you're in our market - but luckily, you'll see our approach when it comes to offsetting (see more here) and it should make sense how we avoid funding any such projects. At Furthr, we have always taken the approach of getting close to every project we fund, and are now increasingly involved in the project build itself.

  • Yes, it can be - that’s the case of nature-based offsets in the form of afforestation/reforestation that we provide to our B2B clients. However, as part of our monthly Furthr packages, the projects supported are a mix of clean energy carbon offset projects and protected reforestation projects. Those are NGO donations and are not considered as carbon offsets. 


    This is because:


    1. In those projects, the carbon sequestration is not tracked - however, your trees will still sequester carbon when they are grown enough to do so (3-5 years).


    2. High-quality offset-accredited reforestation is costly, given the funding needed to track the carbon sequestration over the long-term and to deal with the administrative side of offsets accreditation. We do offer nature-based offsets in the form of afforestation/reforestation for business clients, but this would just make our packages financially complex when purchased by an individual.


    3. We have always been told by our community that a mixture of reforestation and clean energy projects is the most engaging, which is why we still include both solutions in our packages.

  • We currently work with veritree for the reforestation projects supported by our platform users. Veritree works with local planting organisations around the world to contribute to restorative action in their local communities. Local planters are equipped with mobile devices for on-the-ground monitoring, reporting and verification, safeguarding the projects while creating jobs and incentives for long-term success.


    Veritree collects data and evidence throughout the restoration process, including impacts to biodiversity, socio-economic impacts, and long-term restoration efforts through the use of sensors, geospatial data layers, in-field cameras, and bioacoustic monitors. Once verified, the impact data is published on a public blockchain, ensuring traceability, transparency, and data integrity by preventing double counting.

  • The long-term protection of the forests we plant is of the utmost importance to us. Veritree goes beyond simply allocating funding for tree planting. They work closely with local communities to ensure the long-term success and value newly planted forests bring to their families and ecosystem. 


    Through education and by involving their partners on the ground in the monitoring and reporting process, they find that local communities quickly develop a deep sense of ownership and pride over their trees, leading to effective management over the long-term, keeping forests not just alive, but thriving. For more information: 


    However, it is important to note that, as we are planting natural organisms in high volume, it is impossible to protect every tree from succumbing to illness, else getting eaten by local wildlife, else getting illegally chopped down, etc. At the end of the day, we and our partners try our best, with the resources we have, including independent audits, to ensure the forests planted are safeguarded in the long term.

  • Furthr will only ever work with organisations who put priority on tracking the planting, growth and survivorship of the trees planted. It is as important to us - and to them - as it is to yourself.


    Veritree Verification Process


    Veritree’s verification and tracking system is currently set up with 3 levels of verification, starting on the ground and ending with a final internal audit:


    Level 1 – The first level of verification is complete once planters have submitted their planting form, activities, and applicable evidence through veritree’s Collect App. Field evidence collected here includes planting photos, eDNA sampling, bio-acoustic monitoring, etc.


    Level 2 - During the second level of verification, planting site management (leads and supervisors) checks the data and information submitted via a planting site review and data check. This level also reviews and ensures all Planting Session info has been submitted and correct. This includes: GPS coordinates, # of planters, # of trees, and the tree species breakdown.


    Level 3 - The third and final level of verification is conducted by veritree. At this stage, all submitted data and evidence is analyzed by their internal machine-learning algorithms to check for accuracy. 


    Each Planting Session must successfully complete each level before it can proceed to the next, and all three levels must be passed before its trees are available in the Partner Portal.


    Survivability checks are performed at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months intervals. These sessions and reports are tokenized and recorded on the blockchain for permanence and transparency, and are visible on Furthr’s internal Corporate Partner Portal. 

  • The trees types planted will vary depending on the type of project - ie. agroforestry, mangroves, kelp, etc. Veritree do not support monoculture reforestation, and while each site does plant native species the majority of the time, some sites like agroforestry projects may not necessarily have all native species. For some projects, especially the most deserted ones, non-native species are occasionally planted to encourage longer-term growth of native species.

  • Veritree work with local planting partners who have a deep-rooted understanding of the local terrain and of the challenges faced by their communities. They work with these planting partners and use their first-hand knowledge of the area to develop solutions to address the drivers of degradation. That way, veritree provide sustainable, long-term plans, rather than simple band-aid solutions.

  • All the projects supported through the Furthr reward have a real and measurable impact on our planet and its people (see our Transparency page).


    Once a reward has been redeemed, you can follow on the Furthr platform the ongoing stories from the project on the ground and track your positive impact over time - motivating you to keep going further!

  • Of course! All reasons are good to channel funding towards impactful projects that have a measurable impact. 

    We have supported organisations of all sizes with such initiatives - like planting one tree for each attendee to a conference, as well as for raffles, quiz prizes, and even incentive programmes with retailers. If you’ve got an idea, we’re all ears, just get in touch!

  • Definitely! You can redeem more than one code and watch your forest grow via the Furthr platform.


    If you have any issue redeeming a code, just drop us a message on our live chat and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.

Gift & Reward
For Individuals
Employee Platform
  • What's included in our Employee Platform, for each team member:
    - Personal Carbon Calculator
    - Personal Carbon Dashboard
    - The ability to quantify employee-related emissions for your company's carbon reporting (on request)
    - Personalised green living tips for each employee, curated to their lifestyle
    - Educational content about your company's climate strategy
    - General climate newsfeed

    We usually like to launch our app via a webinar or seminar, where we'll talk through all the work we've done together!

    Other features can be added to the platform (company or employee-funded):
    - Nature funding
    - Offset funding
    - Treewards prize draw

    Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

  • The app and web app are made available to all your employees, free of charge, when you start working on your sustainability journey with Furthr. 

    Our team will give you an initial demo and support you with getting your workforce started. Upon request, we can provide a QR code to share with your employees, for them to register into their new account. The minimum timeframe to implement Furthr at work is 1 month - the time necessary for us to prepare bespoke content that will be relevant to your employees.

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