What's included:
Full Scope 3 measurement
On-hand support from our experts
AI screening of invoices and datasets
Feed in to CSRD & SECR
Experience across industries globally
Compliant & Aligned with:

1. Defining Roles & Boundaries
Where is your business physically operating and how do you control its different facilities? This sets out the locations where we will gather your data and run calculations.
We will also define together your reporting period and assess what emission generating activities are material to your company.
Finally, we will define which stakeholders will be involved in the data collection process and start to build a relationship with your team.
2. Scope 1 & 2 Emissions
Once we have defined your operational limits, it is time to gather and input your Scope 1 & 2 emissions. These will always be included in your measurements.
Your Scope 1 includes emissions you have direct control over, such as your company vehicles, air-conditioning units, or gas boilers.
Your Scope 2 consists of your electricity usage, and is created during the production of energy that is eventually used by your company.
3. Scope 3 Emissions
The next step is to gather the scope 3 activity data for all relevant categories.
For instance, categories 1 and 2 emissions are made up of the goods and services you purchased during the year, while categories 6 and 7 are related to employee travel, commuting and home working.
We will work closely with your key suppliers and your employees to collect first-hand data, giving you a real picture of where your emissions come from.
4. Inputting data into our calculator
We will then input all the information into our calculator on your behalf, to save you time and ensure quality of results.
Your data will be multiplied by emissions factors that represent the amount of greenhouse gases emitted per unit of activity, and the outcomes will be aggregated per category, following guidelines from the GHG Protocol.
5. Providing your detailed results
Once the calculator has measured your emissions, it's time to start understanding them.
We will take the time to present your report and explain the significance behind your emissions levels and activities, highlighting hotspots for your reduction journey.
Learn how we can define your Carbon Reduction Plan
The steps we follow
More than a calculator, we offer human support. These are the steps we will follow with you:

The steps we follow
More than a calculator, we offer human support. These are the steps we will follow with you:
How we help you to
Go Furthr