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Niger Delta Mangroves

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Impact Type


Why the Niger Delta?

The Niger Delta on the Altlantic Ocean coast in Nigeria is Africa's largest wetland. it is home to more than 20 million people and has one of the highest concentrations of biodiversity on our planet. but the abundance of life in this ecosystem has degraded over the past decades. The symbiosis of fauna and flora has been interrupted by illegal logging activities, which harm the ecosystem and put local livelihoods at risk. Today, the increased awareness of the Delta's value for the people and the planet has led to initiatives aiming at the full restoration of the mangroves. everi and Furthr supports and manages this project to reforest degraded areas, build up knowledge and create livelihood alternatives in the local communities by aiming to plant 1,000,000 red mangroves every year in partnership with local organisations. During the process of photosynthesis, our blue carbon project will reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by storing it in the coastal and marine ecosystem of the project region. mangroves forest are thus amongst the most effective means to sequester CO2 levels and store it naturally. In the soils softened by the waters of the Niger, the trees can be planted easily. As a rule, one meter of space is left between the seedlings. Thus, theoretically, 10,000 seedlings can be planted per hectare.

How you can help

With a recent rise in illegal logging, as well as action by bad actors to stop legislative action to protect the Niger Delta, providing funding for the local population to receive meaningful employment is more important than ever. Subscribe to the Furthr Platform and support this project's development. For Business: Choose this project for your protected company reforestation site.

Team Size


Fact File

💼 10 full-time jobs created

🎓 400 women trained with specialized knowledge on project activities

🐟 Mangrove swamps provide a habitat for fish and other sea life

🦎 Provides habitat for native reptile and bird species

Partnerships & Certification

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Furthr Contribution

Our Impact to Date

9590 Trees Planted

Project Location

SDG Certifications


Zero Hunger: Workers with stable income opportunities are able to provide their families with food.


Quality Education: Women and men of project area communities receive on-the-job training and capacitation for job alternatives.


Decent Work & Economic Growth: Creation of 10 full-time jobs for local women and men.


Reduced Inequalities: Half of the jobs created in this project are done by female workers. they receive training and are able to secure an income independently.


Climate Action: Blue carbon is amongst the most effective ways to reduce CO2 in our atmosphere and store it naturally above and below ground, and in the soil.


Life Below Water: Mangrove swamps provide a habitat for fish and other sea life, thereby increasing biodiversity in the water.


Life on Land: Mangrove swamps provide a habitat for a rich biodiversity on land such as reptiles and birds.


Partnerships For The Goals: This long-term project will ensure a close international cooperation with positive, lasting effects for local communities.

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